
Yukon Potato Farmers grow a variety of crops, including Yukon Gold potatoes. They are more popular than other types because they have smooth skin and distinctively yellow flesh that’s full of nutrition. You can bake them or use them for salads and soups. One of the potato’s major benefits is the fact that they mature quickly, and therefore, you don’t have to wait too long to harvest them.

Like with any other crop, successful farming of potatoes means that you have to do it when the weather is right. Additionally, you need to prepare your garden early in advance so that when the time comes, there will be no delays. There are also a variety of tools that will come in handy during the process of growing your potatoes. You must identify them and get them from the market while you look for the best method to grow the crop in your climate.

Regardless of whether you intend to start farming the potatoes for a business, or you just need to put your backyard farm into better use, this is the guide you require to know everything you need to about the most versatile vegetable around. Hold on to your shovels; we are planting potatoes!

When to plant Yukon gold potatoes

Even though the season matters, the most important thing to consider when growing potatoes is the condition of your garden at the time when you want to do it. The soil should not be too cold, although the Yukon gold potatoes can survive a light frost.

Therefore, wait until the weather is a bit warm to plant the potato seeds. The right time will depend on where you are in the world.

Those farming potatoes in certain places should consider waiting until April. If you miss preparing your garden by then, you can also plant the potatoes in May.

Now that you know the perfect time for farming potatoes, how about getting the necessary tools.

Best Tools to Use When Growing Potatoes

Potato Planter tool

Planting potatoes can be a tiresome task, especially if you have a large garden. Getting a potato planter tool can make things a lot easier for you. It comes with a pivoted opening cup that allows for perfect hole penetration. With it, you can plant your potatoes within an incredibly short duration. Besides, it protects you from back-aches that can ruin your days after planting period.

Wheel hoe

A wheel hoe is another tool that you should consider when farming potatoes. Use it to make furrows for planting the vegetable. You can also use it for cultivation to make sure that the potatoes grow into maturity without the presence of weeds. Should you notice any compacted soil on the garden that you intend to use to grow potatoes, you can use your wheel hoe to loosen it.

Garden Fork

This is also an excellent tool that potato farmers should get for growing potatoes. It can be optional if you have a wheel hoe. If you don’t have the latter, the garden hoe will be great for loosening the soil and turning it over as you make the necessary furrows. It can also come in handy when harvesting. There are various types of garden forks available on the market, and they come with different sizes and prices.

Shovels and pitchforks

Shovels and pitchforks can be helpful when you are harvesting your potatoes. Even so, you need to be extra careful when using them. This is because, for instance, shovels or spades can lead to chopped-off tubers, and the potatoes may not be best for you in that state. If you were growing them for business, you might not make as much profit as you were hoping for. In case you think that you will end up destroying the crop, if you use a spade, you can use your hands instead.

Methods of Growing Potatoes

Are you ready to start growing your potatoes already? Below are some great techniques that you can think about. Feel free to choose the one that works out best for you.

Hilled rows

This is the easiest way to grow potatoes in your garden, regardless of its size. Begin by digging straight, shallow trenches. Plant the seed potatoes where they are 8-10 inches apart and use around 3 inches of soil to cover them. This method is cheap, and you will not spend a lot of money on garden preparation and other activities.

Raised beds

When farming potatoes, you can also use raised beds. Use a spacing of 12 inches when planting the Yukon gold potato seeds, and make sure that you bury them about 3 inches deep. As they grow, keep adding more soil until the bed is completely filled. This method is great if the soil in your garden is a bit heavy and poorly drained.

The Best Method to Plant Potatoes

If you are looking for the perfect way to grow your potatoes, you have little to worry about. You can consider the hilled rows method. Make sure that the Yukon gold potatoes are at least 8 inches apart during planting. By using a depth of 6 inches, you will make sure that the potatoes remain in the ground even if the soil gets blown away by the wind. This can happen since the required warm climate can cause the soil to be a bit dry. It prevents greening, which can ruin the crop.

With this guide, you can start farming potatoes when the weather allows it. Take your time to prepare your garden. You can also buy the tools that you will require when planting, weeding, and even harvesting the potatoes. Conduct research on the best methods to use when growing the potatoes, depending on your region.

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